Свежий Магический Квадрант для инструментов интеграции данных
4 ноября 2011 Спрос на инструменты интеграции данных растет, так как стремительно увеличивается потребность в согласовании и обмене данными. Мы предлагаем Вам ознакомиться с тем, какие инструменты существуют на рынке, в чем недостатки и преимущества каждого из них и почему Вам стоит/не стоит их внедрять, вместе с компанией Gartner. (Новость опубликована на английском языке).A substantial number of the offerings in the data integration tools market are achieving a comprehensive range of functions, delivering high performance and enabling scalability to fulfill enterprises' data integration needs.
Demand trends have given rise to new challenges in 2011. Fresh needs arising from contemporary challenges are presenting new opportunities in this market as buyers seek to address data integration as a critical aspect of a coherent information management capability, and to integrate disparate data sources (including emerging sources such as "big data") and new data types into a cohesive and usable set of information.
The competitive landscape reflects vendors' pursuit of a more comprehensive offering strategy to support a broad range of uses and capitalize on new demand. Diverse needs to exploit data are forcing enterprises to manage their data assets differently. The "raising of the bar" among IT leaders is demanding synergy between functions, performance and scalability in data integration tools, so that they operate well with the same vendor's technology stack and, increasingly, interoperate with data management initiatives in areas such as data quality, master data management (MDM), metadata management, and can cope with the explosion in the volume, variety and velocity of data.
Business imperatives to confront new information challenges are driving the need for a realignment of technology vision in this market. Meanwhile, IT leaders continue to emphasize cost-effectiveness (perceived value of functionality relative to cost), reduced time-to-value, high-quality customer service and support, and broadening usage (support for data migration, application integration, data services in service-oriented architecture [SOA] initiatives, and cloud-related integration).
Source: gartner.com