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SAP признали лидерами Магического квадранта Гартнера в области CPM-решений

21 февраля 2013 Седьмой год подряд независимая исследовательская компания Gartner признает SAP одними из лидеров среди поставщиков решений в области систем управления эффективностью бизнеса (Corporate Performance Management, CPM). Согласно Магическому квадранту, единственными достойными соперниками Компании являются Oracle и IBM. (Новость опубликована на английском языке)
According to Gartner, “Leaders possess a large percentage of the market share in the CPM suite market and demonstrate superior CPM sales levels. They can deliver breadth and depth of CPM suite functionality, as well as provide enterprise-wide implementations to support a broad CPM strategy. Leaders excel at vision, successfully articulate a business proposition that resonates with buyers, are well-recognized in the space, have broad international presence in execution, and are supported by the viability and operational capability to deliver on a global basis.”

SAP announced a number of enterprise performance management (EPM) innovations in 2012. In March, the company announced support for the SAP HANA platform from the SAP Business Planning and Consolidation application, version for SAP NetWeaver. In May, it announced the SAP Sales and Operations Planning analytic application, a cloud-based application powered by SAP HANA. And in October, SAP launched the SAP EPM Unwired mobile app, designed to provide access to decision-critical information through next-generation user experiences on mobile devices.

“We believe being recognized as a leading provider in the EPM space over a number of consecutive years is a testament to our continued focus on listening to and innovating with our customers,” said David Williams, head of EPM Product Marketing, SAP. “This approach is at the core of everything we do and we plan to continue to raise the bar with the broadest portfolio of offerings for helping our customers manage financial performance and accelerate the financial close to disclose process.”

Source:  news-sap.com


Magic Quadrant for Corporate Performance Management SuitesМагический квадрант Гартнера в области систем управления эффективностью бизнеса (февраль, 2013)