Решения SAP для розничной торговли: предоставление данных в реальном времени для качественного принятия решений
19 января 2012 Сегодня компания SAP представила решение BusinessObjects Sales Analysis for Retail на базе платформы SAP HANA. Узнайте больше об этом революционном продукте, призванном обеспечить профессионалам сферы ритейла более глубокое понимание всех факторов, влияющих на цикл жизни мерчандайзинга. (Новость опубликована на английском языке).As the retail industry is inundated with large volumes of data, businesses need accurate insight into customer demand, along with a clear understanding of the impact of their promotions on stock levels and profits. SAP HANA provides retailers with real-time access to critical information and allows for nearly real-time interactive analysis not possible with traditional database technology. For retailers operating in separate sales, inventory and promotions systems, SAP BusinessObjects Sales Analysis for Retail aims to provide the integration needed for vastly improved scalability and performance.
Key features SAP BusinessObjects Sales Analysis for Retail aims to provide include:
Point-of-sale (POS) analysis to allow retailers to assess performance and generate quick responses through the use of prebuilt dashboards, interactive reports and more than 70 KPIs
Inventory management to provide retailers with the ability to identify critical stock and margin issues through close inventory alignment
Promotional analysis to enable retailers to understand the return on investment (ROI) and impact of promotions in real time, allowing users to set up thresholds, alerts and workflows for an early response system that drives performance
Store operations to help users understand which stores are performing best and why, allowing retailers to achieve visibility across different locations and manage by exception
"The ARTS board is very pleased that SAP has adopted the ARTS Data Warehouse 2 standard in a retail product offering," said Richard Mader, executive director, Association for Retail Technology Standards (ARTS). "It is interesting to see how SAP HANA can leverage the data model to provide deep retail content while providing sub-second response times even with multi-terabyte data sets. This is a great example of how our members can bring value to their customers and the entire industry via ARTS standards."
SAP BusinessObjects Sales Analysis for Retail is planned for global availability to customers in the second quarter of 2012.
Source: sap.com