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Аналитика как катализатор построения взаимопонимания между компаниями и клиентами

26 апреля 2013 Каждая компания стремиться опередить конкурентов в разных категориях. Тем не менее, у всех одна цель: достичь большего с меньшими затратами. Приняв во внимание темпы развития технологий и каналов коммуникации, трезво оценить затраты времени и ресурсов, потраченных на достижение целей, не составляет труда. Материал, который мы вам предлагаем, содержит в себе важные и проверенные временем техники и подходы для работы с решениями клиентской аналитики, пользуясь которыми не одна компания смогла достичь желаемых результатов. (Материал опубликован на английском языке)
Organizations are striving to outperform in a slow-growth environment where everyone needs to do more with less. Add to that the complexity of technological advancements that change how we work, communicate and collaborate, and you amplify the challenges and opportunities for success.

Cloud technologies provide instant access to stored data and support the appetite for unlimited and uninterrupted internet use. The number of mobile devices is predicted to exceed the number of people on the planet by 2017. This mobility combined with almost limitless data access has a profound impact on everything from customer demand to collaboration and innovation, creating a business environment in which change is dramatic, disruptive and swift.

More and more devices and processes automatically generate data that is being captured and stored like never before. 90% of data in the world today was created in the past 2 years. It comes from things like posts to social media sites, call centers, purchase records and cell phones. This is Big Data - data with higher volumes, velocity and variety than ever before.

Leaders need to confront and leverage these changes to outperform their peers. Successful organizations transform this deluge of data into insights. Studies show that organizations with a broadbased, analytics-driven business culture – or high Analytics Quotient (AQ) – outperform their peers financially by up to 1.6X revenue growth, 2X EBITDA growth and 2.5X stock price appreciation.

Successful organizations know that Big Data is more than a matter of size. When combined with Smarter Analytics, it is an opportunity to find critical insights that make businesses more agile with an ability to address issues unimaginable by any other means. For example:
  • 12 terabytes of daily tweets can be transformed into product sentiment analysis;
  • Millions of call records can be analyzed to predict customer churn; and,
  • 80% growth in data images, videos and documents can be leveraged to improve customer satisfaction.
These kinds of insights enable companies to outperform their peers by transforming their organizations with Smarter Analytics: embedding analytics into critical processes, decisions and actions. This paper is squarely focused on how to achieve just that – insights that enable a company to outperform its peers. It is part of a continuum of work that started with the book, “The Multidimensional Manager”2, followed by “The Performance Manager”3. This paper combines important new concepts with some of the key elements like the DecisionSpeed® framework from "The Performance Manager” resulting in an updated revision for Customer Analytic. It synthesizes work done with countless successfully and broadly adopted analytics deployments for a roadmap framework that can be put to work in any organization. This roadmap is a common language and unifying map that supports and aligns business decision makers at all levels of the organization with their professional technology partners. This is the partnership that creates business insights that drive better outcomes.

Source:  ibm.com
Analytics for Customer InsightБрошюра компании IBM
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