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Актуальность работы с Большими Данными
6 марта 2013 Необходимость всестороннего подхода к работе с Большими Данными остается актуальной, тем более сейчас, когда решения, концепции и технические характеристики аппаратных устройств усовершенствуются с феноменальной скоростью. Тем не менее, каждая организация определяет понятие и роль Больших Данных для себя индивидуально. Материал, который мы Вам предлагаем, детально рассматривает некоторые подходы к работе с Большими Данными на базе имеющихся OLTP систем и технологий. (Материал опубликован на английском языке)OLTP and Big Data
OLTP systems by their very definition are transactional in nature and are often expected to provide real-time insights on recent activity and trends. However, smart organizations have realized for years that the more data they keep accessible within these systems the better insights they can gain from trending and spotting opportunities/risks within a larger set of data. However, the problems begin to build because as the ability to store and process this data becomes easier the business demands for this data rise even faster. Organizations are forced to satisfy the business needs while balancing the massive data growth that is accumulating in multiple OLTP systems. We are seeing OLTP applications that are 30-100TBs in production and growing at two-threeTBs a month. Because of today’s storage and processing capability these volumes are not only possible but will begin to the norm over the next three-five years.
Balancing the Business/IT needs
Understanding the balance between OLTP transaction systems and their use as a historical trending and reporting environment is important. I highlight balance because IT organizations must implement a system that will support the business while still maintaining an effective cost structure. If the balance of performance/cost is not maintained all of the value will be lost. Four areas of balance:
Source: informatica.com
OLTP systems by their very definition are transactional in nature and are often expected to provide real-time insights on recent activity and trends. However, smart organizations have realized for years that the more data they keep accessible within these systems the better insights they can gain from trending and spotting opportunities/risks within a larger set of data. However, the problems begin to build because as the ability to store and process this data becomes easier the business demands for this data rise even faster. Organizations are forced to satisfy the business needs while balancing the massive data growth that is accumulating in multiple OLTP systems. We are seeing OLTP applications that are 30-100TBs in production and growing at two-threeTBs a month. Because of today’s storage and processing capability these volumes are not only possible but will begin to the norm over the next three-five years.
Balancing the Business/IT needs
Understanding the balance between OLTP transaction systems and their use as a historical trending and reporting environment is important. I highlight balance because IT organizations must implement a system that will support the business while still maintaining an effective cost structure. If the balance of performance/cost is not maintained all of the value will be lost. Four areas of balance:
- Managing the everyday performance of the system for users that are working on the most recent data (i.e. order entry, customer service, billing, etc)
- Managing the performance and accessibility for analyst and business users for historical trending and reporting (i.e. financial analysts, end of period closing, trend reporting)
- Enabling IT to support the operational aspects of “big data” within the OLTP environment (shrinking the storage footprint, managing backups, creating business copies for testing)
- Securing sensitive data dynamically in production and non-production boundary systems
Source: informatica.com