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Как дифференцировать бизнес посредством совершенствования BI-стратегии

3 октября 2013 Ни для кого не секрет, что компаниям сегодня необходимо развивать гибкость и научиться приспосабливаться к переменам, обусловленных изменением традиционных правил экономики под влиянием развития цифровых технологий, сокращением бизнес-циклов, а также сложностью непрерывных потоков данных, способных накрыть волной каждого, кто игнорирует или не способен их анализировать. В условиях капитализма, доступ к информации и использование инсайтов в процессе принятия решений определяет победителя. Читайте исследование компании Forrester и узнайте, как извлечь максимальную пользу от имеющихся данных с помощью применения современных инструментов бизнес-аналитики. (Материал опубликован на английском языке)
Getting the most value out of corporate data assets isn’t something that happens automatically. Data is worth nothing without technologies that facilitate its transformation into meaningful information, delivered in a timely manner, and which a business professional can use as the basis for making decisions. Many organizations are finding themselves held back by processes, technology infrastructure, and business intelligence (BI) tools which are no longer fit for purpose. On the other hand, there are companies that are harnessing the latest innovations in BI technology — such as interactive visualization and big data analytics — to achieve their business goals. 

Forrester’s study yielded five key findings: 
  1. A majority of organizations regard data as a key strategic asset. Companies recognize that data is crucial to the efficient and effective running of the company, and most see information as a competitive differentiator. But while the majority regard themselves as being data-driven, only half of them use data to support the majority of their decisions, and it’s clear that great potential remains for achieving further business benefit. 

  2. BI maturity and superior business performance may be correlated. While cause-and-effect relationships are difficult to prove, this study — as well as additional Forrester research and other independent studies — found a correlation between higher BI maturity and better business performance, demonstrated in higher year-on-year growth. Better-performing companies (those growing 15% or more per annum) also report greater levels of BI success. 

  3. New BI capabilities can put companies in a better position to meet today’s challenges. Technologies such as predictive analytics and big data techniques are enabling companies to exploit the increasingly large and diverse amounts of data, often in real time, for maximum business benefit. Data visualization and self-service technologies further support effective decision-making through facilitating the easy recognition of patterns and putting the tools in the hands of the people who most need them — the actual decision-makers.

  4. Leading organizations are more likely to use innovative technologies. While it’s again not appropriate to speculate about cause and effect, there are clear signs that better-performing companies make much greater use of innovative technologies such as predictive analytics, big data, interactive data visualization, and cloud computing. They are also more likely to have put self-service tools in the hands of end users. 

  5. Agile BI environments are essential, and they need a solid foundation. Today’s fast-changing business demands and regulatory requirements call for technology that can keep up with that pace. Organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of agile environments as a prerequisite for ensuring that the right data is in the right hands at the right time. A positive and constructive working relationship between business and IT helps find the right balance between controls and flexibility.
Competitive Differentiation Through Innovation In Business IntelligenceИсследование компании Forrester на английском языке
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