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Раскрытие потенциала бизнеса с помощью систем управления эффективностью бизнеса (EPM)
29 мая 2013 Если внимательно посмотреть на рынок ЕРМ, то можно заметить, что основополагающие принципы и подходы к управлению эффективностью бизнеса остаются неизменными на протяжении последних 5, а то и 10 лет. Управление эффективностью бизнеса как и прежде подразумевает взаимосвязь и соответствие стратегии процессу планирования и ее реализации, сопоставление финансовых и операционных результатов с ранее поставленными целями,а также использование инструментов бизнес-аналитики для понимания ключевых направлений, для принятия взвешенных решений и, в конечно итоге, увеличения производительности компании на всех ее уровнях. Тем не менее,некоторые изменения на рынке EPM все же произошли. (Материал опубликован на английском языке)What has changed is the world that we operate in. Although economic growth is slow, business cycles are faster so planning and forecasting needs to be more frequent. There’s more data available to analyze and leverage for planning and reporting – both internally and externally generated. Stakeholders have higher expectations. That includes external stakeholders who want more quantitative and qualitative disclosures about the organizations they are investing in, as well as internal management stakeholders who are demanding more frequent insights into financial and operating results. Even the workforce has changed, for instance Millennials (those born between 1980 and 2000) were raised on technology and have less patience for systems that are outdated or don’t respond quickly. In addition, technology is changing with the shift to Cloud, Mobile and Social computing. These new technology enablers that are available today create many opportunities to drive innovation and improve efficiency if leveraged correctly.
So while today’s market presents a number of challenges to achieving the goals of CEOs and CFOs, there are also opportunities to unlock the potential of their organizations to drive profitable growth. These include:
Source: oracle.com
So while today’s market presents a number of challenges to achieving the goals of CEOs and CFOs, there are also opportunities to unlock the potential of their organizations to drive profitable growth. These include:
- Eliminating or investing more in under-performing products
- Putting more focus on under-served customer segments
- Better utilizing existing staff and capacity
- Putting the excess cash on the balance sheet to work – investing in new markets, products, and services
- Creating more efficient business processes and reducing IT complexity to reduce costs
Source: oracle.com
Enterprise Performance Management: Unlocking Business PotentialБрошюра компании Oracle
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Oracle Hyperion EPMОфициальный сайт компании Oracle